Carl Wiedemann: Steadicam operation with the HVX200

Carl Wiedemann: Steadicam operation on location with the HVX200

The happy Groom. Steve Alspach

Goofing off at Judy Eckoff and Steve Alspach’s wedding |
April 2007
This week presented an interesting array of projects. I did Steadicam operation for hi-Tide Media, shooting the introductory shot of a Real Estate promo video which will be blended with three-D animation. Patrick Lewtschanyn was the Director of Photography.
I did two days of interviews and b-roll for the Montel Williams show, shooting background vignettes about a delightful young, Polish woman who, born without arms, had come to the states as a child where she received assistance from the Shriner’s Hospital in Chicago. Atalee Judy and Ryan Miller aided as Production assistants.
I did still photography for Fig Media, documenting Judy Eckoff and Steve Alspach’s wedding at the DANK Haus in Lincoln Square. James Gustin was co-shooter on this event.
I shot photos of various performances from the Dance Shelter show at Hamlin Park. I also did video coverage of Nana Shineflug’s new piece, Quirk, doing hand-held camera operation, shooting on-stage with the performers.
On Friday, May 4th Atalee and I went to see the Detroit based band Adult. perform at The Empty Bottle. I grabbed some decent shots of Nicola and Adam performing before a rather animated and sweaty throng.
Adult. at The Empty Bottle