Effigies of William Frawley
Effigies of William Frawley (1990-1994)
16mm, 8mm + VHS on DV, 4:30
A rap tribute to Bub + Camus. Features clips shot in various Rust Belt cities, including Buffalo and Chicago, from 1988 to 1993.
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 Montage of frame grabs
Spatial depth and spastic death
"Autistic bliss" and euthanasia
Anorexic, anamorphic
Spatial depth and spastic death
Dostoevsky went to prison
Cocteau ingested morphine
Mary Pickford fucked dead artists
Camus crashed his car into a tree
Effigies of William Frawley
Gather in my back yard
They can do anything they want
But it always comes out the same
Cluster on the fire escape
Huddle on the balcony
Gather in a burning car
Effigies of William Frawley
Spatial depth and spastic death
Autistic bliss and euthanasia
Anorexic, anamorphic
Spatial depth and spastic death
Dusty thalidomide fish
Baking on a window pane
Squirming in a rotting car
Fester on the edge of town
I'm creeping up your front lawn
Covered in sweat, stain, spunk
climbing through the doggy door
And climbing into your bed
Stairs to the mezzanine
A constricted fetish box
A pack of screaming dogs
Crash landing on the moon
Dostoevsky went to prison
Cocteau ingested morphine
Mary Pickford fucked dead artists
Camus crashed his car into a tree
Spatial depth and spastic death
"Autistic bliss" and euthanasia
Anorexic, anamorphic
Spatial depth and spastic death
- concocted in January of 1991 -


William Frawley
Born February 26, 1887
Died March 3, 1966
"By almost all accounts, Frawley's off-screen personality was not much different from his on-screen demeanor. A notorious misanthrope, with one brief failed marriage behind him and a fondness for the bottle, he lived in the same bachelor apartment most of his years in Hollywood." (wikipedia.org)
Production Credits
Scenario, photography, direction and edit ... Carl Wiedemann
Sound Design ... Wiedemann
Carl Wiedemann
Tom Seckel
Technical Data
Filming Locations ... Rochester, Buffalo, & Chicago
Camera ... Bolex Rex 4, Sankyo Super-8, & a 1-chip, black and white video surveillance camera
Shooting formats ... 16mm & 8mm film, VHS
Final format ... miniDV
Runtime: 4 minutes and 30 seconds
Lip sync camera operation
Clare Martin
Production Assistants/Camera operators
Rochester ... Tom Seckel
Chicago ... Francois Miron, Brock Craft
Thanks To:
Peggy Hall (Mom)